Dessert First: Part One (of Six)
Part Two: Dessert first: Putting fun before function
Part Three: How to build a strong community
Part Four: Too happy to be busy
This past April, I took a leap of faith. Or rather, a leap of fortune. I packed up my family and my business, Leader in Motion, and traveled almost 5,000 miles to Syros, Greece.
For a little background, my husband is Greek and I’m American—and we’ve lived away from both our families for almost two decades.
So when I discovered Boundless Life, a travel company that would set up accommodations for my family, office space for me and schooling for my kids in a variety of locations, one of which was Greece, I knew we had to do it. We’d also be joining 22 other families from around the world. How cool is that?
I went into it expecting the trip to be an incredible experience for all of us. What I didn’t expect was for it to completely change my perspective on life–both personally and professionally.
For years, we’ve all talked about (and longed for) vacations (“an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in traveling”).
And then we established the idea of a staycation (“a vacation spent in one’s home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions”).
And now, after my most recent experience, I’m all about the “workation” (“a workation is a vacation that allows you to work remotely while integrating elements of leisure that let you unwind, relax and be more productive”).
Now I know that there are naysayers who are going to say: Christine, there’s no way workations work. In-person time is critical to productivity.
And while in many scenarios I would agree, I’d also argue that a short period of time away from your regular day-to-day life can make you more productive and more engaged. Plus, it’s not just me! There have been countless studies that demonstrate the health benefits of travel, along with the importance of traveling while on Sabbatical. Benefits include making travelers healthier, happier, less stressed, and more creative. Sounds like something that would benefit your employer too, wouldn’t you say?
When I was in Greece, I found I was more mindful—a product of simply being away from my regular routine. Usual experiences became unusual. They were more colorful, more interesting, and more stimulating, all because they were happening in new and unique locations.
My morning coffee was no longer at my typical spot near my office (and it certainly wasn’t picked up in a drive-thru!). It was now in a cafe on a marble stone street near a 1000-year-old church (and because of the time difference between Europe and Eastern Standard, I had the time to sit and really relish it). My pilates class wasn’t at my local studio. It was now taught in a mish-mash of Greek and broken English by a lovely local woman, where after class we would compare notes on life in North America and life in the Greek Islands. My weekends weren’t spent at my neighborhood park, but on the Mediterranean Sea. While the kids were at school and my clients were still sleeping, George and I were learning how to sail with our new friends from all over the world.
I wasn’t just going through the motions. I was soaking up every second of my days. My eyes were wide open, and that new view brought with it a new perspective that I was able to bring to all aspects of my life, including my work.
Over the next few months, I’ll be sharing more about my time away, and why it made me a better partner, mother, executive coach, and business owner. And why I believe companies everywhere need to embrace the idea of a “workation.”
Have you ever gone on a workation? Join me on LinkedIn and let’s continue the conversation.